Modern culture is witnessing the Sacred Feminine rising with more momentum than what's been seen for generations. More and more women are gathering in circles for collective healing, empowerment, and to reconnect with their authentic selves. We believe this along with the Conscious Aging and Elder Women Wisdom movements are helping create a living net through which all beings and the natural world will thrive.
In ancient times, before the dominant culture of patriarchy, the Divine Feminine, the Goddess was worshiped. Throughout time, the neglected female psyche witnessed the death of the Great Mother. This led to much suffering. Being coerced into rigid roles, women lost the connection with their own instinctual nature. The lack of legitimacy suppressed woman's own deep, life-giving messages and sense of belonging.
Many of us also participate with other women's circles and gatherings. Below is a list of groups and websites that we have collected thus far. If you have a recommendation to add to this list, we would love to learn more. Send us a message through our Contact page or through the email link at the bottom of the page.
Grandmothers Gathering for Gitchigaaming
The Silver Tent
Women of Wisdom (W.O.W)
Crones Counsel
International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
Gather the Women
Net of Light Gatherings; Sharon McErlane
Foremothers of the Women’s Spirituality Movement: Elders and Visionaries
The Women's Foundation of California
The Elderwoman
Becoming Women of Wisdom: Marking the Passage into the Crone Years